Dr. Brandy Bryson is a professor in the educational foundations program. She teaches Critical Perspectives on Learning and Teaching for teacher education majors, Critical Perspectives on Race and Whiteness for the Honors College, doctoral seminars on theory and paradigms, and other graduate courses on race and inclusive diversity. Additionally, she supervises doctoral student dissertations and honors theses.
In 2017, she received the college's Outstanding Scholarship/Creative Achievement Award. She has published numerous manuscripts, articles and book chapters and has given over multiple presentations at international, national, and regional conferences.
She received her Ph.D. in social foundations of education from the University of South Carolina and her Master of Social Work and B.S. in psychology and sociology from the University of Georgia.
Her research focuses on inclusive diversity, equity, and social justice broadly with a particular emphasis on racial literacy and racial equity in society and schools, PK-Doctorate.

Title: Professor, Faculty in Residence, Educational Foundations
Department: Department of Leadership and Educational Studies
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6093
Office address
504 CCollege of Education Building